I am not sure how to start. My last post was light and simple, but today I want to share more personal details about my fascination with spanking.
I am clueless as to how I became so drawn to spanking. I was spanked as a child, but I do not approve of spanking children and never spanked my own. Growing up in the fifties, spanking was the normal consequence for a plethora of deeds. However, spanking never corrected my errant behavior; it just made me more careful when I chose to disregard the rules!
It was during my late teens when I discovered spanking stories found them exciting…and still do. I had a girlfriend in college that kept threatening to spank me for this or that, and so one day I ask her if she had a “thing” about spanking. I told her if she did it was ok with me and she could spank me if she wanted. But she quickly denied any desire to spank. Well, she never did spank me and it wasn’t long after that we were no longer a couple.
After Nina and I were married the desire went away for several years, then it started to return. I hinted around and then finally one night I came right out and asked her to spank me. I admitted to her how I enjoyed being spanked, and talk about scared; I wasn’t sure what to expect. Turns out that although she was not into spanking, she was happy to indulge my fantasies. That first spanking was not much to speak of, but we started playing spanking games and it really added to our “fun times” together. She even ordered a paddle for a present one Christmas. She still applies it on occasion and I tell you, even though it’s small, it makes quite an impression!
Throughout the last 30 or so years off and on we have incorporated spanking play into our relationship. I say off and on. Kids slowed things down and later on caring for aging parents also put things on hold. Life has its priorities and sometimes spanking play has to take a backseat to more pressing matters.
I do not want to give the impression that our relationship has been all sunshine and flowers because like most all couples, there were times when it was stretched almost to the breaking point. However, we managed to steer the ship through the stormy seas and back into calm waters.
I became stressed because you see I have at least 50 more years of plans, but know I will not live to be 110! Bummer! However, after a great stress relief spanking, the worries disappear and I am once again content and happy. It is not logical and I cannot explain why, but it just works for me.

Good news is that I have made peace with my worries, and instead of fretting about what I may or may not accomplish before I start pushing up daisies, I try instead to focus on making each day as special as possible.
I am a strong Christian believer and know that after this life I will be in a better place with literally all the time in the world. However, I also have no doubts that until then I will find many more stupid reasons to get stressed.
It is an ongoing effort to keep a positive attitude when life starts to get the better you, but I know I can depend on God and Nina to keep things in perspective. God lights up my spirit and Nina lights up my backside! How can anyone ask for more than that?