Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Taming the Tiger

Hello all,  first off thank you for such a fantastic welcome!  I really appreciate all the encouragement and kind words.  I was planning as my first real post to explain more about Nina (my bride of 35 years) and me, but alas, that will have to wait as life events have superceded. However, this time in a good way!  My baby girl is graduating from college and we are expecting a lot of company to celebrate. So instead, I am going to post a short article I wrote called "Taming the Tiger".  Hope you like it. Blessings to all!


Taming the Tiger

Ever wondered why as a TiH you still find it necessary to occasionally hiss and scratch?  Ironic behavior from one who wants to be taken in hand and lead, but yet I read numerous blogs where the TiH admits to doing just that from time to time. 
I believe the answer lies in the unique relationship between HoH and TiH. So, what makes a good HoH and what makes a good TiH? 
I have said it before, but it is worth repeating, first and foremost, a good HoH must have the utmost respect for their TiH.  What does that mean? It is not the same as love, because while love plays a gigantic and integral part in any relationship, respect confirms that the TiH is a unique person, an individual who has value and is worthy of the love and care so freely given.
What is it about a TiH that garners this respect that we HoH’s all have for our TiH’s? I think it perhaps can best be explained if we take a mental trip to the circus!  Oh how I love the circus with all the excitement! The clowns and jugglers, the cotton candy and the daring young man on the flying trapeze!  And of course the bravest man of all; the one who goes into the cage with the lions and tigers. We are awed by the way they respond to his direction. Why do the lions and tigers choose to follow this leader? They know he will protect them and watch over them, yet occasionally they growl and claw at the man, to test that he is still strong and will not back down if challenged.
When they do the man isn’t afraid, in fact he relishes the challenge, and without an occasional rawr, would think something wrong. He has a great respect for the lions and tigers because they are strong and courageous creatures, but yet they choose to yield to his authority. 
So why do TiH’s hiss and scratch? Same reason as the lions and tigers! It is in their nature, and that very nature is what is so appealing to the HoH.
So all you tigers, keep on hissing and scratching, because we love you, and we relish the opportunity to show you that we are still the bravest man in the entire circus!


  1. I'm so glad you put this up George...I think many folks out here will enjoy it.

    I have been doing much hissing and scratching of late and I always shake my head when my husband tells me how much he loves me...b/c I really can be a pain!

    1. Thank you Susie, I know it is illogical, but just keep on being you even when that you is feeling a bit feisty, because that is what makes us love you all the more!

      Blessing to you,


  2. "So all you tigers, keep on hissing and scratching, because we love you, ....." I think this is one of the nicest things I have seen by a HoH. Your not trying to change us but to love, cherish, and protect. Your wife is a lucky lady to have such a wise husband!

    1. L, what a wonderful thing to say, I appreciate it more than you know. I do sincerely believe that respect is paramount in our relationships, because it affirms individual worth, which in turn frees the spirit. Not sure that Nina would always agree with the "wise husband" part some days! lol

      Have a blessed day.


  3. An excellent distinction, and a fantastic way to express it! Welcome, George.

    1. MM, Thank you for the welcome. I am new to the community and I hope that I can contribute. I know that I have learned quite a lot from reading the blogs. There are definitely some very wise folks out there.

      Blessings to you.


  4. Barney laughed when I told him about this post. I am a little confused by his response ;)

    Now time for you to share your 'other' post....wink...( hopefully added the part about the Evil Step mother) I loved that one!!

    love, willie

    1. Hello Willie, Glad that Barney laughed...he understands! Re: the other post; OK I will work on it and put it up soon. Glad you liked it.

      I am not sure I will make to the Event, lots of things happening between now and Sunday with the graduation, but will try because it sounds like fun!

      Blessing to you, mi amiga Canadiense


  5. I loved reading this George! :). Oh Rob definitely has a scratching, hissing TiH at times. He has actually said, "Down tiger" to me at times. LOL! The coolest thing is that he loves me exactly as I am. I feel pretty lucky about that! Your wife feels the same way I bet!

    Congrats on your graduating daughter! Enjoy the festivities. Hugs!

    <3 Katie

    1. Hi Katie, glad you enjoyed it. If you were not a tiger at times, Rob would think something was wrong! I am thinking about a post discussing why some relationships continue to grow and other wither on the vine. Nina is definitely a tiger at times and I would not want it any other way! I feel certain that Rob feels the same way about you.

      And YEA!!! no more college after this weekend! Thanks.

      Have a blessed day.


  6. Very nice post! Glad to have you in Blogland. :) quiet sara

    1. Thank you Sara, I appreciate the comment and I have enjoyed your blog as well.

      Blessings to you both,

